CEO Matthew Missad to move to Executive Chairman role at UFP行业; William “Will” Schwartz named CEO; CFO Mike Cole to add new role, 企业服务部总裁

August 27 2024


CEO Matthew Missad to move to Executive Chairman role at UFP行业; William “Will” Schwartz named CEO; CFO Mike Cole to add new role, 企业服务部总裁

密歇根州大急流城. – 星期二,2024年8月27日 After more than 13 years of transformational leadership and as part of a planned succession strategy, UFP行业董事长兼首席执行官Matthew J. 米萨德宣布他将担任一个新的角色 prepare the next generation of leadership and usher in a new era of growth for the company. 12月29日, 2024, 新财政年度的开始, Missad和William " will " Schwartz将成为执行董事长, 现任公司零售业务部总裁, 会成为首席执行官吗. Chief Financial Officer Michael Cole will add the title of 企业服务部总裁 to his current duties to further strengthen the management team.

“在他在UFP令人印象深刻的美獅美高梅中, 威尔一直渴望承担新的角色和责任, 他每次都成功了,米萨德说. “他赢得了高效的声誉, 有创造力的领导者,使他管理的企业和人更好. 他是领导我们进入下一个十年甚至更长时间的合适人选. I’m excited for him, for the people of UFP, and for our customers, vendors and shareholders.”

2024年剩下的时间, Missad will work closely with Schwartz on the transition and on filling newly created vacancies that result from the promotion. Missad has agreed to remain executive chairman through 2026 to assist Schwartz in his role as CEO and provide support where needed. He also will assist with shareholder relations while continuing to nurture longtime customer and vendor relationships.

“It’s an exciting time to be at UFP because of the opportunities these changes create for our teammates,米萨德说. “我们的继任规划过程造就了一批优秀的领导者, and I am confident that this new team of experienced executives will achieve even greater success.”

Missad自2011年7月起担任首席执行官. 在他的领导下,公司进行了重大的变革和改进, including the creation of a new operating structure based on market segments rather than geography. This change has generated better alignment with customers, quicker decision making and greater focus. Missad also placed a greater emphasis on innovation and new products that increased the company’s percentage of value-added products while dramatically expanding the company’s profit margins. 自从他被任命为首席执行官以来, the company’s stock price increased more than 1500% and revenues have grown from $1.从2011年的80亿美元降至70亿美元.美高梅娱乐场年将达到20亿美元.

“我很荣幸能在UFP度过我的整个美獅美高梅, 和业内最优秀的人一起工作,米萨德说. “我的目标是确保公司继续走在增长的道路上, 保持尊重和机会的文化, 我们所有的股东都看到我们的投资在继续增长. 由威尔掌舵, 和下一代有技能的领导者, 拥有业内最优秀的员工队伍, 我相信这一切都会发生.”

Schwartz joined UFP in 1998 as a sales trainee and took roles of increasing responsibility over the years including account manager, 销售经理, 区域销售总监兼执行副总裁. In 美高梅娱乐场, he was named president of UFP Retail Solutions, our largest business segment. UFP零售解决方案专注于庭院和家居产品, 包括ProWood压力处理木材等品牌, 装饰工、装饰和配件, 和UFP-Edge壁板, 花型和装饰.

施瓦茨有成功接受新挑战的历史. When he was asked to oversee the company’s transportation and purchasing operations, 他提高了他们的效率和效率. 他领导了UFP Retail Solutions的重大重组, 增强其产品, 通过加强营销和销售职能,扩大对消费者的影响, 并在市场上扩大了公司的品牌知名度.

“这次机会让我感到荣幸和谦卑, 我渴望和干劲十足的队友一起工作, 的决心, 和创新,以保持和发展美高梅娱乐场的成功,威尔说. “I’m grateful to Matt for taking on a role that will help guide the team and create a strong, 无缝过渡, 感谢迈克为进一步加强团队而承担的新角色, and to both of them and the board for the trust they are placing in me and the leadership team to take UFP to new levels of value creation. 我们已经准备好了,并为这个机会感到兴奋.”

“Will epitomizes a leader who is dedicated to making our company better every day and to maintaining the strong culture that fosters continuous improvement,Missad补充道. “His energy and ability to think critically and the respect he has earned in the company and the industry make him the best person to lead us. 在他的领导下, UFP will continue to drive shareholder value and create more opportunities for growth and success.”


美高梅娱乐场公司. 是一家控股公司,其经营子公司- UFP包装, UFP建筑和UFP零售解决方案-制造, distribute and sell a wide variety of value-added products used in residential and commercial construction, 全球包装及其他工业应用. 公司成立于1955年,总部位于密歇根州大急流城.在北美、欧洲、亚洲和澳大利亚设有分支机构. UFP行业 is ranked #493 on the Fortune 500 and #128 on Industry Week’s list of America’s Largest Manufacturers. 有关美高梅娱乐场的更多信息,请访问

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act, as amended, 这些都是基于管理层的信念, 假设, 当前的预期, 对我们所服务的市场的估计和预测, 经济和公司本身. 像“预期”这样的词,”“相信,”“有信心,”“估计,” “expects,”“预测,” “likely,” “plans,”“项目,” “should,这些词的变体, 类似的表述用于识别此类前瞻性陈述. 这些陈述不保证未来的表现,并涉及一定的风险, uncertainties and 假设 that are difficult to predict with regard to timing, extent, 发生的可能性和程度. The Company does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect facts, 情况下, events, 或在作出前瞻性陈述之日后发生的假设. Actual results could differ materially from those included in such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainty. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking statements are the following: fluctuations in the price of lumber; adverse or unusual weather conditions; adverse economic conditions in the markets we serve; government regulations, particularly involving environmental and safety regulations; and our ability to make successful business acquisitions. Certain of these risk factors as well as other risk factors and additional information are included in the Company's reports on Form 10-K and 10-Q on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


This release includes certain financial information not prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Because not all companies calculate non-GAAP financial information identically (or at all), the presentations herein may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures used by other companies. 管理层使用调整后的EBITDA, 非公认会计准则财务指标, 以便评估历史和正在进行的业务. Management believes that this non-GAAP financial measure is useful in order to enable investors to perform meaningful comparisons of historical and current performance. Adjusted EBITDA is intended to supplement and should be read together with the financial results. 调整后的EBITDA不应被视为替代或替代, 不应该被认为比, 报告的财务结果. 相应的, users of this financial information should not place undue reliance on the non-GAAP financial measure.